Across the southern expanses of the Indian Ocean, 115 paradise islands are scattered, the largest being the island of Mahe. It is home to the Seychelles capital of Victoria, home to most of the local population.
On our journey through the Seychelles we are staying on three islands, the most recognizable of which are the white sandy beaches surrounded by palm trees and sprinkled with granite boulders. All this almost kitschy beauty is surrounded by the crystal clear blue sea, which is full of underwater life.
We stay on Mahe Island for one night, but enough time to jump into the sea for the first time during our vacation. We will also embark on an island tour, where on the way we stop for a tour of a local rum distillery with the possibility of tasting. We will also climb to the lookout point and make the first beautiful photos.
The next day we will have a one-hour speedboat ride that will take us to the slowest island, la Digue. Slow because the pace of life there is adjusted to the speed of the rider. There are hardly any cars, and everything is done casually. To get into the island pace, we will get to know him for four days with the help of rented bikes and our own feet :-). Taxis or steerships may be used in certain areas. La Digue Island is home to the famous Anse Source D’argent Beach. Looking for adventure we will get to know the beach from the kayak. The island is home to many turtles and endemic birds that we can observe while walking through Union Estate Park.
We will enjoy five unforgettable and fresh sea air on the second largest island, Praslin, which will serve as a starting point for various optional excursions. There is a unique double Coco de mer on the island that has curves of a female body and has matured for over 30 years. Most palm trees are located in the Valle de mer National Park and are under UNESCO protection. Praslin is also known for its exceptional beaches such as Anse Lazio, Anse Georgette and Cote d’Ore. Snorkeling is possible on all beaches, which depends on the tide. Unless otherwise, we will look underwater for a day trip when we sail to Curoieuse by boat, see the giant turtles there, and then sail to the smaller St. Pierre Island, where are many beautiful snorkeling sites around.
A true paradise on earth for those who are close to tropical seaside destinations but are not only off to the beach but also enjoy an active day trip.
The trip is also suitable for children with parents with some adventurous spirit 🙂
Znamenitosti na poti
čudovit nacionalni park, dom žiraf, zeber, gazel…
nomadsko in pastirsko ljudtvo, živijo v hišah iz blata
nudi popolno doživetje magične Afrike
Velikih 5: slon, nosorog, bivol, lev, leopard
najboljša safari avantura v Afriki za ljubitelje narave in živali
Jezero Eyasi:
odpravimo se med plemena izven uhojenih poti
obiščemo eno zadnjih plemen ma svetu, ki še ohrnaja tradicijo lova
Tura po plantažah začimb in eksotičnega sadja:
zelo zanimivo, priporočamo
Stone Town:
staro obzidano mesto prepredeno z labitintom ulic in krasno tržnico
S Zanzibar:
krasne plaže, dobra ponudba, nori izleti, okusna hrana
Prison Island:
zanimiv otok kjer kraljujejo orjaške želve inkristalno morje
Blue Safari:
krasen celodnevni izlet na samotni otok, sredi morja s staro barkačo in morsko hrano
Delfini, opice in jame:
snorkljanje z delfini, opice v Jozaniju ter krasne obalne jame
Pragozd Jozani:
rdeče opice v Jozaniju
We spend the night on three different islands. Each of us is staying in simple accommodations that are well located near the happenings, shops, beaches. All accommodations (apartments, villas, etc.) have a fan, some have air conditioning. Some accommodations have shared toilets, while others have private toilets. Breakfast is available in the accommodation with a kitchen and fridge or a place to eat. So, we buy ingredients at local markets and make our own breakfasts. Bed and breakfast is available. Additional charge for breakfast is 10 € / person / day.
The meal costs from 5-30 EUR, depending on where you eat. Local take-aways offer very good cheap local and international food and are the cheapest option. Most of the restaurants have menus where the main course costs at least EUR 10 and most of them between EUR 15 and EUR 20.
Our advantages
* rich program and lots of enjoyment and activities
* the best holiday in Seychelles
* no hidden costs
* Optional optional trips suitable for all pockets
* Slovenian route manager who will make sure that it is always fun
* departures from nearby airports (Ljubljana, Zagreb, Venice)
Abuot country
Experts believe that the Arabs and Maldivian traders traveling to the coasts of Africa were the first to enter Seychelles. The first European to arrive there was Vasco da Gama in 1502. Over time, control of the island was taken over by the French, in 1756. The Seychelles were named after the French Minister of Finance, Jean Moreau. Between 1794 and 1810 the British came to power negotiating the islands. The island gained independence on June 29, 1976.
It is a true melting pot of cultures and one of the few countries where there is no interracial or interfaith tension, despite the ancestors of the natives coming from different parts of the world. The largest ethnic community is the descendants of the French, Africans, Indians and Chinese. Together with French-based Seychellesian Creole, the official languages are English and French. According to the 2002 census, most people are Christians, most are Catholics, some are Anglicans, Hindus and Muslims. Interestingly, Seychelles society is in principle matriarchal: mothers are dominant in the household, controlling finances and caring for children.
Visa and vaccination
Slovenian citizens do not need a visa. Seychelles is an exotic destination and basic hygiene measures are recommended everywhere, which means frequent hand washing, bottled water and caution when consuming food such as fresh fruits and vegetables. We recommend insurance with foreign assistance. You can find out what vaccinations are needed before visiting Seychelles here:
Group and guide
The group will be a large 10-16 passengers. The minimum number of passengers to confirm the trip is 10. The group will be headed jointly by the Slovenian route manager.
When on the road?
She travels to Seychelles in all seasons. The climate throughout the Seychelles is warm and humid, so is the weather – temperatures are almost unchanged, with temperatures ranging from 24 to 30 degrees Celsius, less than daytime at night. March and April are usually a bit warmer, and July and August are a bit colder. May to November is the period when the southeast wind can blow harder, and from March to May the Seychelles are more rainy due to the northwest.
For the current price please visit the Slovenian page. (CLICK HERE)
The price includes:
– Organization and preparation for the trip
– Slovenian route leader
– International Flight Flight
– Internal flight
– 10x accommodation in rooms for two persons in non-categorized accommodation (apartments, villas – shared kitchens, living rooms and toilets).
Cash box € 200: all transfers from local airports ports, ferry, local cost
* There are no discounts for regular customers on this trip “.
The price does not include:
*food and drink
* transfer to the airport 30 € -35 €
* Evening parties, shopping, souvenirs
* optional trips and admission fees
To experience as much as possible the following optional trips (prices are approximate and depend on the number of participants):
– Mahe bus tour (transport) and entrance fee to the rum distillery € 34
– tasting of rum in the distillery 8 €
– Beau Vallon taxi to the port costs around 25 € per taxi (who would not go on a trip around Mahe Island)
– snored trip to St.Anne Marine Park, 70 EUR (who would not go on a trip around Mahe Island)
– plantation of La Digue Island and Anse D’Argent, € 8
– bike rental on the island of La Digue costs 6 € / day
– kayak trip 30-40 €
– trip to Felicite and Coco Islands 60 €
– Trek to Morron Beach and to Anse D’Argent, € 40
– Trek to the highest peak of the island 45 €
– trip to Couriose Island (turtles and beach) and St. Pierre (for snorklat) € 40
– trip to Valle du Mai valley with transport 30 €
– trip to Anse Lazio beach 2 € with local transport or taxi approx.10 €
– Creole cuisine course 40 €
– trip to Anse Georgette and visit the Black Pearl Farm with entrance fee and taxis 25 €
All trips on this trip are optional, which means that they are optional and optional. They are all worth taking part in and add value to the trip itself, giving you the right Seychelles atmosphere.
Optional excursions or excursions of your choice can also be optional. You can just take the closest beach 🙂 Recommended excursions are approx. 150-200 EUR.
Method of payment:
An advance payment of € 100 is payable upon registration and an application fee of € 10 / payment. The application cost is non-refundable. By making a down payment, you get a place in the group. Departure is guaranteed with a minimum number of applicants. In the case of a small number of entries, the trip is canceled or the price for organization and management is proportionally increased. From 08-12 applications increase by 100 €. If you cancel your trip, the cancellation periods apply as stated in the general terms and conditions. 60 days before your trip or before billing, you can redeem the advance on any of our routes for a period of one year. You can read more about the general terms and conditions here. If the trip is canceled due to insufficient number of registrations, we will of course refund the entire payment. Prior to departure, the cost of airfare, escort and travel arrangements, insurance with assistance and transfers to the airport shall be settled. Everything else is paid locally, on site.
Local flights in Seychelles are not refundable (no ref), with international flights, companies only pay fees that are very low. Therefore, we advise against the risk of failure.
Destinations are travelers and prices are changing. Minor variations may occur due to changes in prices or currencies, so we only 100% guarantee the price for the organization and the flight.
The route:
The route:
1. Kako se ti je zdelo potovanje nasploh? Potovanje je bilo super, dinamično, vedno je kaj dogajalo. Organizacija in vodenje dobra, super je bilo, ker je bila skupina majhna.
2. Kaj ti je ostalo v najlepšem spominu? Z ladjico do želv, trekingi, čudovite plaže, stik z domačini, lepe nastanitve, snorkljanje – skratka odklop. Škoda, ker valovito morje ni omogočalo izpeljave vseh planov – narava pač 🙂
3. Je bilo vodenje v redu, kako bi ocenil/a Andreja? Dober vodič, tudi v stresnih trenutkih ni delal panike. Mogoče bi samo dnevne plane toliko prilagodil, da bi vnaprej povedal, ko je potrebno hrano vzeti s seboj ali prilagodil postanke v take away/trgovini tudi sredi dneva.
4. Zakaj si se odločil oz. odločila za to potovanje? Želeli smo jih obiskati, radi imamo kombinacijo popotniškega potovanja, kjer se vsak dan kaj dogaja in občasno eno ali pol-dnevnega odklopa na plaži. 1x letno si nekako privoščimo potovanje kam bolj daleč v takšnem stilu.
5. Kam bi v prihodnje najraje potoval/-a? Daljša: Tajska, Filipini, Indonezija, Peru, Japonska, Kenija/Tanzanija/Namibija, narodni parki ZDA, še kaj Karibov ali Srednje Amerike. Drugače pa Jordanija, Maroko, Islandija, Normandija
6. Bi to potovanje priporočal/-a še komu? Seveda
Sejšeli čudoviti, skupina super in Andrej mega.
midva sva se imela na potovanju zelo lepo
Težko bi opredelila kaj nama je bilo najbolj všeč.Bili smo super skupina. Čudovit vodič. Imeli smo srečo z vremenom. Tako, da je potovanje potekalo brezhibno.
Andrej je super vodič. Svoje delo opravlja odlično.Je sproščen in povezovalen. Potovati z njim je bilo prijetno.
Za to potovanje sva se odločila, ker sem v septembru praznovala 50.rojstni dan in odločitev je bila prava.
Najina naslednja želja je Oman.
Potovanje bi priporočala ljudem, ki radi raziskujejo in spoznavajo nove dežele skratka vsem tistim, ki radi aktivno preživljajo dopust.
Hvala vam in še posebej Andreju za čudovito potovanje.
Lp Violeta in Edo
1. Kako se ti je zdelo potovanje nasploh?
Potovanje je bilo zanimivo, veliko smo videli in hkrati ni bilo prenaporno.
2. Kaj ti je ostalo v najlepšem spominu?
Otok La Digue z vsemi lepotami.
3. Je bilo vodenje v redu, kako bi ocenil/a Andreja?
Super vodič.
4. Zakaj si se odločil oz. odločila za to potovanje?
Ker se v kratkem casu vidi lepo eksoticno drzavo.
5. Kam bi v prihodnje najraje potoval/-a?
6. Bi to potovanje priporočal/-a še komu?
Seveda. Z veseljem.
1. Kako se ti je zdelo potovanje nasploh?
Dobro izvedeno, prijetno.
2. Kaj ti je ostalo v najlepšem spominu
Snorkanje, narava, domacini.
3. Je bilo vodenje v redu, kako bi ocenil/a Andreja?
5 ka.
4. Zakaj si se odločil oz. odločila za to potovanje?
Drugacna okolje, klima, tempo.
5. Kam bi v prihodnje najraje potoval/-a?
Veliko destinacij.
6. Bi to potovanje priporočal/-a še komu?
Sem že, tudi vas.