Journey begins in the capital Addis Ababa. Place although nothing special is known for its largest market in Africa and the National Museum which we also visit. After follows preparations with the jeeps which will be our best friends through adventurous south of the country. The trail starts in the UNESCO Tiyi and we continue to Arba Minch where we sleep. Place will serve as a starting point for exploring Lake Chamo and its surroundings. We go visit hippos and crocodiles living in the lake and to the village of our friends from the tribe of Dorsi. We will go to the crazy traditional market, meet local customs, dance with the locals, drink local spirit which will make us fly as bees between hives. We’ll spend the night in special houses in the form of apiaries. Follows visit our other frends in the villagethat coms from Konso tribe. Their villages are still very authentic and at arrival we will be welcomed by the head of the village where we also sleep. We visit the market square of Ari and Banna tribes from where we descend into the National Park Mago and Omo River Valley where we experience true African wilderness. Here live wildest tribe of all tribes – Mursi, the women (mostly) have a bowl in the mouth, Karo tribe who lives on a beautiful spot above the river Omo and men have all times in their hands Kalashnikov and Dasanech tribe which can be reached only by crossing River with canoe. In Turm or Dimeki the lovers of photography will come on their own – here live Hamer tribe which is the most photogenic of all tribes. On the way to the village of Shashemene where live Rastafarians we turn out of the way and go to the beautiful El Sod crater which is the rest of the volcano. At the bottom of the crater is a lake where naked men (although Muslims) from it produce salt. From here we start our way back to civilization. Follows transfer to Addis Ababa where some companions go home but rest of use continue to the north.
Our way to the north we begin with flight to Bahir. Here we will be charmed by an ancient monasteries on Lake Tana, mighty Blue Nile Falls and the scenic drive to Gondar. Gondar the former capital is today starting point for treks in the Simien Mountains National Park offering spectacular views of the volcanic landscape, discovering canyons and socialize with thousands of monkeys – Geladas. After the trek we return to Gondar where we see a complex of castles protected under UNESCO and beautiful church of Debre Berhe. For the end we visit one of the eighth wonders of the world where we will ask ourselves how did they do it? Lalibela is a place where churches are carved into the living rock and fascinate every visitor.
As this journey involves a real adventure and is far from brilliant tourism where rooms are without category, camping under millions of stars and sometimes not luxury and we will hear a lot of strange voices we recommend a more strong-willed travelers.
Sights on the tour
Addis Ababa: the capital city with the largest African market and the National Museum
Tiya: UNESCO site with the remains of the ancient mystical cultures
Arba Minch: city 40s springs
Lake Chamo: with boats between the biggest crocodiles and hippos
Nechisar national park: also Ethiopia has wild parks in style of Kenya
Omo valley: the valley populated with impressive tribes and cultures
Dorze Homes: Sleep in fabulous homes – beehives at local tribe
Southern tribes: Jack Mursi, Hamar, Banna, Konso, Erbore, Borana
Village Market: here we buy cheap handmade unique handwork
Turmel: thousands of stars and the sounds out of the while camping by the river
Visiting Chief: we visit head of the tribe and sleep in his village
Jumping over a bull: if we will have luck the Ethiopians will do outstanding show
El-Sod crater: a tiny lake in the middle of the crater where locals produce salt
Lake Tana: a centuries-old monasteries, pelicans and waterfalls and spring of the Blue Nile
Gondar: amazing castle which is under UNESCO and the most beautiful church in Ethiopia
Simien Mountains: the dramatic mountains where we spent a night
Meeting gelada monkies: this proud and strong monkeys have adapted to the mountains
Lalibela: amazing, carved into the rock ancient church
Our advantages
A wild African adventure in the middle of the Simien mountain, sandy deserts, African tribes, crocodiles…
We did our best that you get as much as possible for your money as much. You can go just to the south and visit tribes or make the whole tour including north. In the south we have two new spots. Nechisar National Park known for its animals wildlife and El Sod crater where locals earn daily bread with desalination. We travel with jeeps, planes and buses. Transport is carefully selected, tour is amazing (13 days 4×4 adventure) and the team which gives us support is the top! We combine all the best and try to save as much inconvenience on the road by well planned route which contains a bit of everything: culture, adventure, tribe, walking in nature, visiting inaccessible areas with our jeeps and excellent hosts who will by the fire with their stories conjure this other Africa which can not be felt anywhere else than between unfamiliar voices coming out of the wilderness. The program is now even better! We have listened to your preferences and adjust the program so that we are replaced long road journeys by a plane! Are you coming with us
Our hotels in Ethiopia are verified. We choose beautiful hotels with authentic and friendly people and good service. We use double and triple rooms with private shower and WC. Where it is not possible we sleep in tents (million star category). Accommodations are different categories. In essence saying point is that we are in the center of the action. Hotels are centrally located and all the highlights are in a walking distance.
About country
Ethiopia is certainly not considered as one of the most tourist countries of the world although in recent years a lot of work has been done on visibility of the country and infrastructure. But before “suit- casers” will arrive it will take many years which. Ethiopia is a tenth largest African country but in terms of population with 85 million people is in third place. It lies on the Horn of Africa between Eritrea, Sudan, Kenya, Somalia and Djibouti. It is one of the oldest countries in the world and here they found a couple of million year old remains of our ancestors so it is called the cradle of mankind. Once it was a rich country but today it is among the poorest in the world. Its people are proud and also very friendly. The official monetary currency is very stable Ethiopian birr. They speak more than 80 languages but the official is Amharic. Of all the African countries has the most attractions protected by UNESCO which shows its rich culture and natural beauty. There lives approximately 63% of Christians and 34% Muslims. The best time to travel to Ethiopia is from October to March but because of its diversity this is not true for all areas. From all famous African flavors you can expect the intoxicating smell of coffee because the coffee is from Ethiopia and is one of the most reputed in the world.
Visa and vaccination
Before you go on trip we arrange insurance. You must do vaccination buy anti-malarial drugs and get visa ( we can help you with everything). Recommended vaccinations: hepatitis A and yellow fever.
Group and guide
Group size is between 10 to 19 travelers. If there is less than 10 travelers are the price for the organization of tours proportionately increase. Group leads Gregor or Rožle. You need 16 oz. 23 days for the tour.
When on the road?
Ethiopia is a country known under the name of “13 months of sunshine” but mainly in the north has quite a lot of rain which ends in late September. Autumn is especially beautiful because the air is clean, visibility is excellent and the countryside green.
For the current price please visit the Slovenian page. (CLICK HERE)
The way of payment for the trip is different because we pay all on the spot. Because the prices of services and exchange rates in developing countries vary remind that these prices are indicative. We guarantee prices only for the organization and guiding which is 350€.
We 100% guarantee only the price for the guiding and organization
Price includes:
* The organization, guiding and our energy (the old members of the Travellers Club Char have a 40 EUR discount)
* All internal flights (to the north and back)
* All accommodation (double rooms in hotels of traveler without categorization, 2x dorms, camping 6x)
* Transportation by SUV 4×4 across the south of the country (13 days jeep) and fuel
* Transport on north by air-conditioned Bus and fuel
* Cook and all the cooking equipment for the south
* All the food in the south (full-board-when we do camping)
* Rent a tent to sleep in the south
* Trekking in the Simien Mountains
* All entrance fees according to program (with the exception of extraordinary parables)
When there are 11 or less traveler the price surcharge organization. 11-9 passengers 50€ and 8-6 passengers 80€.
Price does not include:
* Flight ticket (we can get you best glight to Ethiopia)
* Transfer to the airport
* Drink and food in the north (we eat in restaurants)
* Health insurance
* Shopping at bazaars
* Tips
* Ethiopia visa
* Food in a style like shrimps, lobsters and truffles and evening entertainment
The route:
The route:
Zame je potovanje pripravljeno vrhunsko in ne bi kaj spreminjal,mogoče bi dodal Aksum,ker mi smo letos leteli Lalibela-Aksum-Adis.Tako predvidevam,da sedaj obstaja tudi ta letalska povezava,koliko to podraži potovanje in ali se to izlpača ne vem.
Svoje je dodala še Petra,ki je potovanje izpeljala vrhunsko,vsakem trenutku je bila pripravljena na pomoč,pripravljena odgovarjati na vprašanja,prijazna,dobrovoljna,skratka ves čas na razpolago,finance so bile urejene in vsak trenutek v pogled,skratka vrhunsko in popolno.
Če boste tako delali naprej se bomo še kdaj srečali!
Lp Brane
že teden dni sem doma… z mislimi pa še zmeraj tam dol v črni afriki, kjer se je dogajalo.. tja dol sem odšla brez pričakovanj..zato pa dobila veeeelikooo lepih spominov na lepo rodovitno deželo, pridnimi ljudmi, …prečudovito pokrajino, ki se spremnija iz km v km na sever v gorovje, vendar obdelano v skrbna polja, na jug prav tako v polja bananovcev, bombaža…in savano kjer kraljujejo živali in plemena.. tam dol kjer je življenje drugačno od našega vsakdanjika, zato mi tovrstna doživetja vedno znova pomagajo ko doma z drugačnim pogledom opazujem svet in ljudi okoli sebe,… . se nam je dogajalo kot se reče 100 na uro …bila je prava avantura…. tudi z vremenom, ki je vse skupaj še bolj začinilo vso stvar. Hvala Petri & druščini Char, dobri ste!! Pa še kdaj…
Najprej še z moje strani sicer malo pozno ampak bolje zdaj kot nikoli: program Etiopije je bil super, letalski let iz Lalibele v Adis odličen, ker bi po trekingu še dva dni vožnje verjetno bilo malo preveč, jaz osebno bi bila še kakšen dan več na trekingu ampak to je verjetno bolj stvar okusa posameznika – na splošno super!!!!!
Zdaj pa k moji prošnji oziroma prošnji nas vseh, ki smo bili v Etiopiji novembra. Po dogodviščini se nas je v decembru enih par “Etiopijcev” uspelo dobiti na kuhanem vinu, kjer smo še malo strnili naše vtise. Ko smo debatirali o Etiopiji smo prišli tudi do teme revščina…ugotovili smo, da smo sprva mislili, da bo največ revnih oziroma tistih katerim bi podarili stvari, ki smo jih imeli s sabo največ na jugu pri plamenih, vendar smo se vsi strinjali, da verjetno največ pomoči potrebujejo otroci na severu v Debarku in v Simienu. Debata je stekla naprej in prišli smo do ideje, da bi jim radi na nek način pomagali. Strinjali smo se, da bi verjetno najbolj potrebovali obleke, obutev in šolske potrebščine , ki smo jih pripravljeni sami zbrati. Ker bi radi, da te stvari dobijo res tisti, ki jih najbolj potrebujejo smo se spomnili naslednjega….
Kako smo si mi to zamislili?
Zbrali bi stvari, ki bi jih z istim letalom s katerim bi naslednja runda letela v Etiopijo (sem vidla, da je za marec že potrjena tura) poslali v Etiopijo. Tam bi jih prevzela skupina s tabo ali Petro, jih naložila v bus, ki bi ga imeli za sever in potem razdelila na severju (npr. v Debarku v šoli ali v kaki vasi v Simienu). To je neka okvirna ideja. Seveda nas zanima če bi bilo sploh to logistično možno. In tu bi potrebovali tvojo pomoč!
Zanima nas predvsem:
– ali bi se bilo mogoče z letalsko družbo (verjetno imate Turkish) zmenit, da bi nekaj škatel zastonj ali za simbolični znesek pripeljali v Etiopijo ( moji starši so imeli podobno izkušnjo, ko se je vodič zmenil, da jo jim Air Emirati zastonj prepeljali šolske potrebščine za otroke v Tanzaniji)
– kakšna bi bila lahko teža tega tovorja (2, 3 škatle…več?)
– če bi bila naslednja runda “Etiopijcev” pripravljena te škatle vozit v busu (koliko jih lahko gre v bus) in jih potem tudi razdeliti med otroke, predvsemv Debarku
Verjetno sem še na kaj pozabila – predvsem pa nas zanima, če je naša ideja praktično izvedljiva in če nam lahko ti kot organizator Etiopije pri tem kakor koli pomagaš?
Hvala že v naprej od nas vseh…
…lep pozdravček