Ladakh & Kashmir
We begin our tour in the New Delhi. Here we meet for the first time the culture of India, which is quite different than ours and for some people very hard to understand. After the capital we fly to the Leh. Because of the height we have a small headache, but no worries, we know the cure. The next day we visit the beautiful Buddhist temples and we cross the second highest pass on the world to the Pangong lake. In these beautiful surroundings of the lake we prepare for our 3 days trek through the truly amazing Tibetan landscape. After the trek a little relaxation and then to the wonderful valley of the Nubra. We continue with the crossing of the highest pass on the world Khardung La (5600m) and on the top we get the MTB and AAAAAAAAA to 3200m. The adrenaline doesn’t drop yet, because next thing is RAFTING! After sport activities we go to the amazing Buddhist temples in Likir, Alchi in Lamayuru. Unfortunate we have to leave Ladakh, but don’t worry the adventure is not over yet. We cross the passes of the mountainous Kashmir and accommodate in the floating hotel of the Dali Lake…resting, relaxing & enjoying the nature. We continue with the 3 days trek, a walk through the mostly untouched Kashmir hilly landscape. After a relaxation in a beautiful nature we fly back to the New Delhi. Here we visit the biggest statue of the love the Taj Mahal, the Red Fortress and the Krishna Temple in Vrindavan.
This itinerary is made for the traveller, who likes to explore the world in its real colours!

Sights on the tour
Ladakh: the amazing flight through the north, crossing the valleys, mountains…
Leh: Buddhists city in the middle of the biggest valley of the mountainous Ladakh,
The Buddhist temples: spiritual places for meditation & seeking the true meaning of life,
Pangong Lake: in the mountain on the border with China,
Trek Durbuk-Nubra: a short pony ride across a beautiful valley and over the pass,
The valley Nubra: one of the most beautiful and untouched valleys of the world,
Panamik: the north part of the Nubra, known after its lakes, baths and nice nature,
The Khardung La: the highest road on the world, amazing views and a crazy ride,
Ride with MTB: with bikes from 5600m to 3200m a.s.l.…..C R A Z Y but safe,
Rafting on the river Zanskar: a wild river between two mountain ranges, just amazing,
Valley Indus: the widest valley in the Ladakh, famous for its amazing temples & villages,
Lamayuru: the spectacular gompa in the Ladakh surrounded with a stony landscape,
The journey to the Kashmir: a road over the Kargil stays in your hearth for a long time,
The Dal Lake: hotels, stores, gardens all floating on water, an unforgettable experience,
Srinagar: the capital of Kashmir, an interesting street life, a lot of temples & mosques,
Pahlagamu: a green landscape famous for its beautiful nature and friendly nomads,
New Delhi: the capital of India, a big social difference between people,
Agra: the famous Taj Mahal and the Red Fortress, the remnant of ancient cultures,
The temple in Vrindavanu: the holy city of Hinduism, the birth temple of God Krishna,
Sights on the tour
We are experts for the Indian Himalayan. Gregor has spent in India over 2 years; he knows every little place of this amazing subcontinent. The program contains only the most beautiful things of the country. We travel through the Ladakh, which has been a holy city for travellers for over 20 years. Especially during the summer, when temperature and humidity in the valley is higher than in the mountains. Here we cooperate with very good local agency; the local guides are necessary in this part of the region. In the Kashmir we sleep on the ship with a nice family, who hosts the travellers since 85’ and offers a delicious homemade food. The treks are short and appropriate for those who are not mountaineers. We fly with local company and drive through the country with jeeps. In New Delhi we sleep in hotel with an air conditioning in the city centre, where the most popular Parganj bazaar is located. Let’s go shopping:). And for the end the real India in Agra; Taj Mahhal, The Red Fortress and the birth Temple of the God Krishna.


Our hotels in India are verified. We choose hotels that are beautiful, authentic with friendly people and good service. We use double and triple rooms that have their own shower and toilet. On the TREK we slp in a tents (million stars category). Accommodations are different categories. The point is we are always in the center of the action. From hotels all main attractions are within walking distance.
About Ladakh and Kashmir
When we were here for the first time, we were impressed by an amazing view of the lunar like landscape and by the friendly people, who carry the peace inside, for us unfortunately still unknown. The Buddhist Ladakh offers the unbelievable experience. People live here in this god forgotten land for over thousand years and they are still friendly and open to all travellers that come into their home. When you look around the landscape you see the magnificent mountains covered with snow, powerful rivers flowing down the valley and beautiful spiritual temples. The Ladakh is called also the Little Tibet, but without the Chinese people and theirs skyscrapers. Above a few thousand meters, bathing in the cold glacier lakes, admiring the unpredictable nature and living with friendly natives we will experience the Catharsis. The Kashmir is famous for its green valley and blue rivers and it is still non touristic but not for long. Here is a different landscape and culture from the high mountains Ladakh. And finally, one of the 7 wonders of the world, the Taj Mahal, the magnificent statue of the north India, the goal of every tourist in the country.

Visa and vaccination
We apply for visa in embassy in Ljubljana (45eur). We recommend vaccination against hepatitis A.

Group and guide
The exact itinerary can get by clicking on the route map. The group is large from 12-20 travelers. The group guides are Gregor and Tomo. For the whole journey you need 20 days.
Before the trip we have a meeting which is mandatory to avoid problems and lack of information.
When on the road?
The best time to visit the Ladakh& Kashmir is during the summer, when the passes are open and the temperatures are suitable for trekking. Our departure under the Club Čar and organisation of Agency Huda Tura is in July/August.

For the current price please visit the Slovenian page. (CLICK HERE))
Mode of payment for travel is different because we all pay on the spot. As the prices of services and exchange rates in developing countries changing note that these prices are indicative and may vary slightly. We guarantee prices only for the organization and escort which is 350€ with a minimum number of 10 travelers .
Price includes:
* Organization, guiding and o+ur energy
* Air flight from Ljubljana to India and 2x domestic flight,
* Accommodation in hotels, camps, ship
* All costs with jeeps, drivers and transfers,
* 3x AC train (1 x night)
* Organization, Trek, tents and food in Kashmir
* Transfer to the treks, local guide and all the food during the trek
* Admissions and tips.
Price does not include:
*Shopping at bazaars
*Renting horses or extra porters on trek
*Rafting in Zanskar Valley (Optional)
*Tourist Visa
*All activities that are not in the program,
*Private parties and alcohol,
*Exclusive dinner such as lobster, truffles…
When there are 11 or less traveler the price surcharge organization. 11-9 passengers 50€ and 8-6 passengers 80€.

The route:
The route:


Zdravo Ekipa Char,
1. Potovanje v Indijo je bilo uresnicenje ene od mojih zivljenjskih sanj. Bilo je cudovito: vse! Skupina, program, Petra, Indija. Spominov imam ogromno in vsi so mi zaenkrat ostali v najlepsem spominu. Mogoce je bil 3. teden precej utrujejoc, zaradi prevozov predvsem z vlakom. Ceprav je bila tudi to pac ene vrste izkusnja. Mislim da ne bi nic spremenila.
2. Vodenje odlicno, Petra je bila vec kot odlicna vodnica, ocena 10/10! Njene kvalitete vodnice so zelo siroke: od poznavanja Indije do komunikacijskih sposobnosti in tega da “se znajde” in je sposobna resiti se tako komplicirane situacije. Ima tudi zelo dober feeling za ljudi: za razlicne potrebe in karakterje v skupini, pa tudi za Indijce.
3. Mislim da sem porabila priblizno 1000 EUR, v kar so vkljucena kosila / vecerje pa tudi vsa darila ki sem jih od tam prinesla (in teh je bilo veliko).
4. Spet bi se rada vrnila v Indijo, mislila sem na Assam in Nagaland – super bi bilo ce bi vi vkljucili to potovanje na vas program.
5. To potovanje sem priporocila ze mnogim sodelavcem v Zenevi, sem prepricana da boste kmalu imeli internacionalne skupine!
Se enkrat hvala za vse in velik BRAVO Petri za odlicno vodenje. Se tako nadaljujte.
Tanja Boc

Juleh Gregor,
moji vstisi iz potovanja po severni Indiji so veliko nadpričakovanji. Vse je klapalo tako kot mora biti. Cel program smo dali skozi, vreme, vojska in nasilneži nam niso delali prevelikih preglavic. Super je bilo, da je bila skupinica majhna, kar je pomenilo bistveno lažje in hitrejše dogovarjanje in prilagajanje. Pa še do konca smo držali skup in ni bilo nobenih izletov iz skupine. Mislim, da je idealna skupina za tako potovanje med 10 in 12 popotnikov. Naš vodič Tomo je bil super in vodič na pravem mestu. Ko je bilo potrebno je bil vodič, drugače naš sopotnik. Glede na slabo lanskoletno izkušnjo (shapci) je bil on pravo nasprotje in zagotovo se bom z njim še vrnil v Himalayo.
Pot je res odlično začtrana, pestra, raznolika, polna presenečenj in adrenalina. Skratka super. Domačini izredno prijazni, le šoferja na poti v Šrinagar sta malce preizkušala našo potrpežljivost. Prvi treking je zelo lepo speljan, tako da človek okusi višino in z njo povezan napor. Za drugi trerking predlagam še pot okoli velikega jezera, ker je hoje drugi dan zelo malo. (mi smo to opravili,seveda mora biti nivo vode zadosti nizek)
Zelo mi je bilo všeč tudi kratko čakanje med letalskimi leti, tako da so se vsi premiki hitro odvijali.
Tudi sama celinska Indija nam je (kljub samo dnevu) prikazala ves svoj razpon med bogatstvom in revščino, ter načinom življenja v indijski družbi.
Skratka, bilo je enkratno. Seveda bom z vami še potoval, ko rešim dva problema na črko D; (denar in dopust).
Lep pozdrav in se vidimo!

Živjo Grega,
Torej minilo je skoraj 2 leti in še vedno mi je duša polna od tega potovanja. Zame to ni bilo potovanje, bolje rečeno je to ostal del mojega življenja. Kadar se spomnim tega je kakor, da bi se vrnila v neko obdobje svojega življenja. Bilo je nepozabno, na momente nevarno in zelo nepredvidljivo. Dobro je, da se je vse dobro končalo.
Najlepših spominov je toliko, da je kar celo potovanje iz minute v minuto najlepše. Ladak in njegovi budistični ljudje, so kot pesem za dušo. Leh, McLeod gange, pa to sanjam še sedaj. Tam bi jaz ostala 1 teden in sedela na pločniku in uživala. Žal mi je, da se nismo ustavili v Darmsali, da bi videli malo Dalaj Lamin center. Kashmir sam kot narava je božanski. Zeleni tepihi in čudoviti pejzaži. Ljudje so malo bolj nepredvidljivi in jim ne zaupam toliko. Zame so Budisti čez vse filozofije in mi drugo ne pomeni toliko.
Veliki treking I je zame taka izkušnja, ki mi je za vse večne čase dala toliko kot potrebujem. Bilo mi je hudo, a ko se sedaj spomnim mi ni žal. To ti je kot porod, hudo je a ni ti žal.
Kot kaže z velikimi stvarmi v življenju je tako.
Ti kot vodič si zame odličen. Tvoj karakter je ravno prav sproščen in dovolj organiziran, da stvari klapajo. Čeprav je tam lahko veliko stvari nepredvidljivih nisi bil v paniki.
Jaz sem se imela odlično, čeprav sem šla večkrat preko svojih meja in bi me zato lahko stvari začele motiti.
Nekaj stvari je, ki bi lahko bile drugačne. Pri organizaciji je bilo samo enkrat čakanje v Delhiju 1 uro zjutraj, ki je malenkost, ker se da zamenjati špediterja.
Če bi šla še enkrat bi mogoče bilo bolje, da sem ostala v Lehu (čeprav bi zamudila življensko izkušnjo, lepoto in srečo, hvaležna sem za to). Mislim, da je treking v tako osamljene kraje, odročne od bolnišnic, brez medicinskega osebja v ekipi in opreme za prvo pomoč lahko usodna. Saj veš, pri starejših od 55 let se nikoli ne ve kje ti sistem lahko odpove (kap, zastoj srca,, infarkt…). In , če bi se to zgodilo minute so pomembne. K sreči vse je bilo OK. Mogoče bi ti vseeno lahko malo bolj povdaril v Lehu, da kdor ima kakšne težave s srcem, ožiljem, pritiskom naj počaka v Lehu, če ni prve pomoči na poti.
V taborju za drugi treking V KASHMIRJU bi jaz zamenjala gostitelja. Tam je bilo veliko nepravilnosti. Največja je prav gotovo v hrani, ki nam jo je dajal, ko ste vi bili na trekingu-rumenjaki v jajcih so bili rjavi, zeleni, izsušeni, odstopljeni od beljaka. Jaz kaj takega nisem videla. Tudi gi je bil nekaj zelo čudnega. Organizacija baby trekinga je bila zelo neodgovorna in slaba.
V Srinagarju sva imela midva čudovitega gostitelja. On je bil najbolj svetla točka med tamkajšnjimi prebivalci.
Tiste policijske ure, demonstracije in lokalci niso ravno prijetni, a vseeno je lep spomin.
To potovanje je vredno življenske izkušnje za vedno. Veliko prijateljem in znancem sem govorila o tem. Nekateri so bili še potem s teboj.
Hvala ti Grega za tvoja prizadevanja in organizacijo.
Vse najboljše. Upam, da se še kdaj vidimo na kašnem potovanju.