Country Maps
- Serbia (Small Map) 2014 (25.2K)
- Serbia and Montenegro (Physiography) 2005 (2.1MB) and pdf format (1.7MB)
- Serbia and Montenegro (Political) 2005 (598K) and pdf format (701K)
- Serbia and Montenegro (Political) 1997 (349K) and pdf format (330K)
- Serbia and Montenegro (Shaded Relief) 1997 (391K) and pdf format (371K)
- Serbia and Montenegro (Shaded Relief) 1995 (306K)and pdf format (302K)
- Serbia and Montenegro (Transportation) 2005 (1.8MB) and pdf format (677MB)
- Serbia and Montenegro – Economy From Former Yugoslavia: A Map Folio, 1992 (143K)
- Serbia and Montenegro – Land Use From Former Yugoslavia: A Map Folio, 1992 (133K)
Detailed and City Maps
- [Belgrade] Beograd (city map) Portion of Beograd Serbia City Graphic 1:15,000 Edition 2-NIMA, Sheet 2, U.S. National Imagery and Mapping Agency, 1999. “Map Information as of 1997, Embassy and Bridge Information as of 1999, Street Name and Numbered Feature Information as of 1998” (950K)
- Beograd, Sheet 1 1:15,000, Edition 2-NIMA, Series M903. U.S. National Imagery and Mapping Agency, 1999 (12MB)
- Beograd, Sheet 2 1:15,000, Edition 2-NIMA, Series M903. U.S. National Imagery and Mapping Agency, 1999 (15MB)
- Belgrade (city map) U.S. Department of State 1981 (152K)
- Belgrade (tactical pilotage chart) 1:500,000 Portion of Defense Mapping Agency TPC F-3A 1993 (839K) Not for navigational use
- Kragujevac 1:15,000, Edition 3-DMA, Series M903. U.S. Defense Mapping Agency, 1993 (5.3MB)
- Niš 1:15,000, Edition 3-DMA, Series M903. U.S. Defense Mapping Agency, 1994 (5.4MB)
- Novi Sad 1:20,000, Edition 2-NIMA, Series M903. U.S. National Imagery and Mapping Agency, 1993 (5.7MB)
- Subotica 1:15,000, Edition 2-DMA, Series M903. U.S. Defense Mapping Agency, 1994 (5.9MB)
Thematic Maps
- Serbia and Montenegro – Economic Activity from Map No. 802165 1993 (154K)
- Serbia and Montenegro – Ethnic Majorities from Map No. 802165 1993 (136K)
- Serbia and Montenegro – Land Use from Map No. 802165 1993 (129K)
- Serbia and Montenegro – Population Density from Map No. 802165 1993 (115K)
Topographic Maps
- 1:1,000,000 – Operational Navigation Chart U.S. Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center [Not for navigational use]
- Sheets F-2 and F-3 include Serbia
- 1:500,000 – Tactical Pilotage Charts U.S. National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Not for navigational use
- This series covers Serbia
- 1:250,000 – Western Europe Series M501, U.S. Army Map Service, 1959-
- This series includes all of Serbia
- 1:250,000 – Russia – Joint Operations Graphic U.S. National Imagery and Mapping Agency [Not for navigational use]
- This series covers most of Serbia
- 1:100,000 – Former Yugoslavia Topographic Maps Series M6010, U.S. Defense Mapping Agency
- This series includes only a few areas near the Kosovo border
- 1:50,000 – Former Yugoslavia Topographic Maps Series M709, U.S. Defense Mapping Agency
- This series includes most of Serbia
Former Yugoslavia Maps
- Former Yugoslavia (Political) 1996 (162K)
- Former Yugoslavia (Political) 1995 (131K)
- Former Yugoslavia (Political) 1993 (146K)
- Former Yugoslavia (Shaded Relief) 1996 (1237K)
- Former Yugoslavia: A Map Folio
- Former Yugoslavia – Ethnic Majorities From Former Yugoslavia: A Map Folio, 1992 (412K)
- Former Yugoslavia – Military Geography 1998 (581K)