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Philippines experience
CHAR Travels in good company
Philippines experience
CHAR Travels in good company
Philippines experience
CHAR Travels in good company
Philippines experience
CHAR Travels in good company


Feb 2025


17 days




1169€ + flights



Philippines experience

We begin our journey in the capital of the Philippines, Manila. We visit the lightest points of this multi-millionaire and chaotic city. For the first time, we meet a bumper Jeepney who will follow us all over the Philippines and drive to the old part of Intramuro. Here we get to know the national legend Jose Rizal and admire the architecture that the Spaniards brought to the Philippines long ago. The visit of the Black Jesus is followed by a quick welcome and exploration of the local market, where it is not.

This is followed by a night drive north to the land of the former bounty hunters, and now the super friendly locals go to Banaue. We are in the heart of the rice terraces and there is nothing more like walking between them on a three-day trek, where we will disconnect from the crazy world and say to ourselves- Green I love you green :-). Crazy landscapes, crazy colors and terraces that you don’t know how they were built … but at the end of the trek, climax – terraces in the form of a huge amphitheater in Batad where you catch your breath.
This is followed by a move to the traveling Sagada, which is known primarily for its underground and drifting coffins. We will explore its surroundings, enjoy the local scene, especially gentler sex comes into play here because Sagada offers a lot of shopping opportunities, and the men will enjoy the company of local beer :-). The bravest we will go for a 4 hour underground exploration. Yes we go into the caves, we will crawl through extremely narrow holes, climb up and down and admire the underworld. A great experience, but not for those with claustrophobia :-). Following is a short return to Manila and a flight to the sea !!!
This is followed by a move to Palawan. Our first stop will be Port Barton. It’s a village behind my back where only a few tourists go. Here is one of the most beautiful beaches in the Philippines and the scene is relax max. From here we go on a boat trip. The underwater world is really crazy, you see all the colors of fish and coral, we enjoy the beaches of paradise, fish the fish, and sleep on a secluded island away from civilization at a 1000000 star hotel.
We continue our journey in El Nido. The first travel scene, dinner at the beach, full enjoyment. We are heading into some crazy world for the culmination of our journey through the Philippines. We sail among the mighty monoliths by boat – it looks as if they have fallen from the sky, exploring isolated islands, white sandy beaches and marveling at the rich underwater world – in a word, paradise on earth.
From El Nido, it is possible to return home. … let’s go to BoholWhite beaches await us here – those of the postcards with the turquoise sea, the tarsiers– smallest monkeys in the world, which grows to the size of a palm, fly over the Loboc River with a ZIP line and the main attraction of the Bohol Chocolate Hills. From here we also go on a day trip where we will dive with the mighty Whale Sharks, an experience that stays forever. Huge, 10-15m large sea creatures that catch your breath. But nothing to fear, our meat is not interested in anything, as they are satisfied with plankton, and crabs satisfy their most demanding gourmet needs.
OPTIONS: The climate in the Philippines is changing a lot throughout the year, so we are also adjusting our travel program. The programs are different depending on the month of departure!
We recommend the program to anyone who wants an active and free way to discover the world.
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Sights on the tour

Manila: The capital and firs contact with the local culture
Jeepney: deduct reclaimed local taxis of all possible colors
Intramuro: Manila Historic Site, Colonial Architecture
Rice terraces: a thousand shades of green, the locals were crazy builders
Three-day trek: we go among all shades of green, sleep god behind the back among friendly locals
Sagada: A traveling enclave in the north of the Philippines
Cave connection: go through one pit of notes, through another. A crazy experience for those not claustrophobic 🙂
Port Barton: a village behind the back of a village that few tourists come to … a real relaxing atmosphere
100,000 star hotel: sleep on a secluded island in tents, away from civilization
El Nido: a cute little town at the end of the world
By boat among the mighty monoliths: the highlight of the voyage, the crystalline water, the beaches of paradise, the rich underwater world and the super singles on board
Bohol: beautiful island, white sandy beaches, full enjoyment
Tarsier: The cutest little monkey in the world of palm size
Chocolate Hills: A cute game of nature that created famous hills
Whale sharks: an unforgettable experience, swimming with 10-15m large animal


Our hotels in Philippines are checked. We choose hotels that are nice, genuine, people friendly and the service good. We use two bed and three bed rooms with their own shower and toilet. At the trekking, the accommodation is suitable for the place where we go – basic, group bath and shower. Accommodations come in different categories. The point is that we are always at the center of what is happening. So the hotels are centrally located. From the hotels, the main activity in each locality is accessible on foot.

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Our advantages

Because the Philippines are fabulous and there is something for everyone. We use all possible means of transportation that bring us to the top spots in the country – buses that have wifi, jeepneys, motorbikes, vans, we use inland flights, ferries, boats between islands … Get to know metropolitan Manila on the tour, go to trekking, crawling around the caves, enjoying the beaches, admiring nature, meeting amazing animals and embarking on an unforgettable cruise between crazy monoliths. The program is designed in such a way that it is very active at the beginning, but then slowly the intensity decreases and at the end relax max. We have made every effort to experience all the diversity that the Philippines has to offer in the time you spend in this beautiful island country. 

About the country

The Republic of the Philippines is an island nation, consisting of as many as 7,107 islands, located in the tropical western Pacific Ocean. Less than half of the islands are inhabited, about 2770 to be exact. The two largest islands, Luzon and Mindanao, represent two-thirds of the territory. The climate is tropical, high humidity, characterized by high temperatures and heavy rain. The Philippines has a population of approximately 110 million and is growing rapidly. The population is mostly Catholic 85%. The second largest religious community is 10% Muslim. The diet in the Philippines is, like most Asian countries, home-grown rice. 
This one comes to the table always accompanied by different sauces. The side dishes and sauces are both vegetable and meaty and there are usually several different flavors that mix well. Among the meat, pork is the most popular. In addition to the staple rice, which is annexed rice, the Philippines is also known for its excellent seafood, which is not surprising, given that it is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. There are as many as 90 languages spoken in the Philippines and they also have many dialects. Tagalog is the most widely spoken language, spoken by just over 40% of the population and is the official language of the Philippines in addition to English. Tagalog indicates the language and inhabitants of the area in central Luzon, and the modern version of this language also contains inherited words from Spanish and English from the colonizers.

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Visa and vaccinations

No visa is required for Slovenian citizens. Hepatitis vaccination is recommended.

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Group and guide

The group is a large 11-20 travelers. If the number of passengers is 11 or less, the organization is charged the price, in the case of 11-9 passengers, 70 € and 8-6 passengers 100 €. The band is led by Matic. It takes 17 or 21 days for the whole trip.
We have a meeting with everyone before the trip, and this is a must to avoid problems and misinformation.

When on the road?

The Philippines have three seasons. Rainy period, dry season and tropical period. We travel where it is most pleasant and the rice terraces are greenest, just before harvest. Departures from the Huda Tura agency are in the spring of March / April. You can check the exact departure date under the PRICE tab and on the right side of the page by clicking – GO. The number of places is limited !!

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Price and dates:

For the current price please visit the Slovenian page. (CLICK HERE)

Flight prices (1x international flight, 2-3x domestic flight) are changing. The closer we go, the higher the prices of flights! Contact us for the exact daily price. The way you pay on a trip is different, because we pay everything on the spot. The cost of the journey is calculated on the day of the calculation. Because the euro can change value relative to the Philippine peso. please note that these prices are indicative and may vary slightly. We only guarantee the price for organization and escort, which is 350 € -400 €.

The price includes:

The price of the arrangement, consisting of a share for
* Arrangement 1100 € / 1230 € (Organization and implementation of the trip, Slovenian route manager, all flights and extras)
* Traveling expenses – total cash € 520. 720 € (hotels, transfers, transfers, local guides, tips)
* Accommodation: Accommodation in beautiful hotels
* Transportation: All costs of transport and transfers (by sea and land)
* Other: Entrance fees and eco tax in Sagada and El Nido, trekking costs, Excursion to Port Barton, Monolith cruise to El Nido, Bohol excursion
* The organization consists of the guidance and monitoring of the Slovenian route manager, the preparation of the trip and the organization on our part, as well as any assistance from a local agency. In some cases, some accommodation or transportation.

The price does not include:

* food, drink, gifts outside the program 
* excursions (Whale sharks approx. 20eur, cave connection 10eur) 
* entrance fees * Health insurance, ZRO (cancellation risk) 
* transfer (program dependent)
* single room (cannot be guaranteed in all hotels)
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Method of payment:

An advance payment of € 100 is payable upon registration and an application fee of € 10 / payment. The application cost is non-refundable. By making a down payment, you get a place in the group. Departure is guaranteed with a minimum number of applicants. In the case of a small number of entries, the trip is canceled or the price for organization and management is proportionally increased.From 6-8 entries it is increased by 100 €, from 9-11 applications it is increased by 70 €. Extra charges apply if you cancel your trip, the cancellation periods apply as set out in the general terms and conditions. 60 days before your trip or before billing, you can redeem the amount paid on any of our routes for a period of one year. 
If the trip is canceled due to insufficient number of applications, we will of course refund the payment. Prior to departure, the cost of airfare, escort and travel arrangements, insurance with assistance and transfers to the airport shall be settled. Everything else is paid locally, on site.
Destinations are travelers and prices are changing. Minor variations may occur due to changes in prices or currencies, so we only 100% guarantee the price for the organization and the flight.
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The route:




The route:




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Potovanje na Filipine je bilo res TOP❤?. Nepozabno, megafantastično…Filipini so res raj na zemlji in s takim programom ti je omogočeno, da vidiš ogromno in uživaš v vsakem trenutku(ok na transferjih malo manj,a so pač nujno zlo ?).Na kratko je težko opisati vsa doživetja..Ljudje so gostoljubni, prijazni in srčni Narava je enkratna,od riževih polj,gozdov,rek,slapov in kristalno čistega morja s čudovitim podvodnim svetom.Vsak kraj,ki smo ga obiskali ima svoje dragulje, a nedvomno mi bo ostal v srcu in duši samotni otok,kjer smo doživeli fantastičen sončni zahod in prespali pod milijon zvezdami. Aja,pa nastop,ki so nam ga priredili Filipinski otroci.,pa Taizejke,pa vožnja med monoliti……
Programa ne bi spreminjala,saj ponuja raznolikost in se za vsakega najde biser.Za mojo bolj uživaško dušo,bi si želela več poležavanja na plaži,a istočasno bi se s tem odpovedala drugim nepozabnim doživetjem.

Matic je TOP vodnik.Od 1 do 5,bi ga ocenila z 10. Profesionalen,odličen organizator, motivator, predvsem pa srčen človek.Za vsakega v skupini si je vzel čas in videl,kdaj kdo potrebuje pogovor, pomoč,ima krizo..  V zahvalo njemu,je bilo to potovanje čarobno.
Skratka na Filipine bi se še vrnila, zagotovo,bi jih priporočila vsem,ki si želijo okusiti zemeljski raj.
Moje naslednje potovanje,bo po trenutnem navdihu in terminu,ki ga lahko uskladim s službo..Ogromno krajev je na tem planetu,ki si jih želim videti,sploh,če imajo poletje,ko je pri nas zima.

Hvala za vse Char ekipa.Res ste “zakon”

Lep pozdrav

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ko sem se precej neplanirano in hitro prijavila na potovanje, sem pričakovala tisto klasično Azijo (s templji, prijaznimi ljudmi, ki bi zmeraj raje evro več kot manj, tonami riža…), a dobila sem precej drugačno, nepričakovano potovanje, ki bo še dolgo ostalo v spominu.

 Poleg mogočnih in nepredstavljivo zelenih riževih teras (waw efekt), pisanih tržnic, ki me zmeraj povlečejo med domačine, lepot lokalnega prevoza, ki nikoli ne prikrajša za kakšno zgodbo, lepih plaž in podvodnega sveta, ki smo ga odkrivali z ladjico, so tu še pristni in topli ljudje, ki jih ni strah pogovorov s turisti in so ti na vsakem koraku pripravljeni pomagati, tudi na najbolj nemogočih krajih in urah brez da bi v zameno zahtevali karkoli. Skratka ne da se vse strnit v par vrstic. Definitivno pa je to eno izmed potovanj, ki so me, ne samo zaradi ljudi (s špansko preteklostjo), ampak tudi narave, pozitivno presenetila in bodo še dolgo pustila sledi.

Matic… kot je bilo rečeno že na uvodnem sestanku, nam z njim nikoli ni bilo dolgčas. Vsakemu v skupini je namenil svoj čas in se zmeraj prilagodil najšibkejšemu členu. Skupaj z nalezljivim smehom in smislom za humor je skrbel za dobro voljo v skupini in nas na vsake toliko s čim presenetil ali pa mi njega. Poskrbel pa je tudi za enega izmed lepših, če ne najlepših, sprejemov na letališču v Manili. Hvala, bilo je … 🙂

Vsem, ki razmišljajo/te kam bi se odpravili, ste ljubitelji zelenja, morja, latino glasbe in druženja z domačini, ki dajo precej več od tistih že preobremenjenih s trumami turistov, priporočam, da se odpravijo v ta del Azije, ki je vse drugo kot tipična Azija.

Lep popočitniški pozdrav,

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Potovanje je bilo nepozabno. Doživela sem veliko prijetnih stvari, spoznala nove ljudi in nove kraje, kamor bi se z veseljem ponovno podala. Meni ste polepšali leto in pokazali, da se z dobro voljo, vztrajnostjo in potrpežljivostjo da premagati vse ovire. Za vse skupaj sem izredno hvaležna organizatorjem, skupini, ki me je lepo sprejela in še posebej Maticu in lokalnim vodičem.
Lep pozdrav, Mateja

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Potovanje po Filipinih je bilo  zelo lepo in sproščujoče
Lepo zato, ker je narava na Filipinih nadvse čudovita in omogoča, da pozabimo na vsakdanje skrbi, pa tudi domačini so zelo prijazni ljudje.
Tudi oddihi na peščenih plažah so bili prijetni, je pa bilo še mnogo ogledov in aktivnosti tako, da ni bilo preveč časa za lenarjenje.
Zelo se mi je vtisnilo v spomin križarjenje med otoki in obiski skritih plaž v okolici El Nida, pa tudi vožnja po reki Loboc in zipline čez reko.
Vodenje in organizacija sta bili odlični tako, da lahko z veseljem dodelim Maticu oceno 5.
Potovanje bi priporočal popotnikom, ki uživajo v pohodih po lepi naravi in si radi ogledajo zanimive kreacije narave.
Lep pozdrav Marjan

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 Živ, živ,

malo je trajalo pa vendar, še moje mnenje 🙂
FILIPINI – potovanje nasploh, odličen program. Super potek, da se gre najprej med riževe terase na sever in potem proti morju, po otokih. Najlepši spomini, ko so se otroci naučili in nam zapeli “Mi se imamo radi …”, super doživetje Cave connection v Segadi. Žal se zaradi slabega počutja nisem spustila v vodo s kitovci. Sicer bi lahko trdila, da je tudi to top doživetje. Tudi prijeten Port Barton je ostal v lepem spominu in čudovit podvodni svet ter s kajaki po lagunah …. Pa še bi Iahko naštevala ….In seveda super skupina sopotnikov ter fajn vodnik.

Vodenje in organizacija je potekala gladko. Pohvale Maticu, ki se je se trudil za celo skupno in vsakega posebej.

Matic je super vodnik, obvladuje vse situacije, zasluži oceno 5+ 🙂

V prihodnje bi potovala še marsikam 🙂 luštno je prekinit naš zimo in it v toplejše kraje sicer pa menjava med kontinenti. Enkrat na en konec drugič na drug.

Za potovanje sem se odločila, ker me je ta destinacija še čakala iz must see liste in seveda odličnega programa. Priporočam!

LP, Bojana

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opravičujem se za pozni odgovor.

Na Filipinih je bilo odlično. Vse se je lepo odvijalo, organizacija je tekla. Matic je svoje delo odlično opravil.

Mogoče samo namig za kakšeno informacijo o biserih, kje se jih najbolj ugodno dobi, glede na to , da je to dežela biserov. To ne podajam kot pripombo, (ker gre za treking potovanje), pa vseeno, če si prvič tam, informacija prav pride.

Lepe pozdrave Anica

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Bodi prvi ki izve za ugodnosti!


Bodi prvi ki izve za ugodnosti!