MY MOTTO: Travel broadens the mind
Since childhood, I have been interested in traveling and organizing trips. Today, I am happy to take care of organizing tours and communicating with clients at CHAR’s office.

My motto: Don’t worry if you travel slowly; worry when you stand still.
A lover of crazy adventures, good food, and positive vibes.
The first time I embarked on a long journey, I sailed all alone from the north of Kenya, through the entire length of Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe. Luckily, my mom didn’t know! 🙂 There, I quickly ran out of money, got robbed a little, fell madly in love, almost “died” of thirst in the desert, gasped my way up to over 5000 meters, had a close nighttime encounter with a pack of hyenas, hitchhiked 4000 kilometers, and for the first time ever, felt the MAGIC of true travel. You never forget your first trip, and so my heart stayed in Black Africa. I’ve traveled extensively in Asia (the Silk Road to India, Pakistan, the Himalayas, Indonesia, Nagaland, Iran, Sri Lanka…) and I’m still traveling. Asia is where I spiritually grew, so to speak. The Middle East feels close to me—there, I feel at home. I’m not the happiest in the office, despite how nice it is, so I left my career behind and started searching for my true purpose. I’ve always sought out hidden corners of countries and spent a lot of time with tribes that attract me with a certain magnetic pull. In them, I sense the primal human nature that we “Westerners” have unfortunately lost somewhere along our path of development. I prefer to discover the world slowly, with a smile, wildly, and deeply. No hurry, no problem—although we’ll sleep when we’re old, right? Today, I’m the father of two little travelers, and together, we explore the beauties of our planet. Join me on travel nights, trips, parties, and journeys, and let’s sail the world together.
Projects: Jordan, Morocco, Maldives, Laos & Cambodia, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Sumatra, Istanbul, Amsterdam, Egypt, Colombia.

In love with the Arab world.
I’ve always been drawn to Arab countries; my first trip was to Egypt, the most tourist-frequented destination, followed later by Morocco. A year later, my journey led me to the heart of Arab-Muslim civilization and culture—Yemen. After a month of traveling and discovering this insanely “quirky” country with its fascinating architecture that hints at the knowledge of the ancients, its diverse landscapes where no two days are the same, and its friendly people who shatter all stereotypes about pushy and annoying Arabs, I had a clear feeling that this was just my first trip, but certainly not the last, to this medievally-tinted southwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula. A year later, I returned, and what was initially meant to be a one-month vacation turned into an almost seven-month extended “stay,” exploring hidden parts of the country, studying the Arabic language, and experiencing Yemeni everyday life firsthand. It became clear to me that it’s not about how many different countries you travel to in your life, but how you experience them and how much of an imprint they leave on you.
Projects: Yemen, Morocco, Egypt, Ethiopia

MOTO: Swiit je liip 😉
At the age of ten, I decided to travel and that’s when I started saving for my first trip. I was drawn to Asia, namely Thailand. They say you never forget the first one, and it was no different in my case. Youth, inexperience and impudence in the middle of Asia were a great school for all subsequent trips, which inspired and taught me again and again. At first I traveled alone and with friends, but then my favorite hobby became my dream job. After 20 years of traveling and 12 years of management, we have already visited more than 40 countries around the world. Guests, acquaintances and friends ask me which is my favorite and my answer is everything. Every country has its own charms and laws that must be accepted, respected and enjoyed at all times.

Moj moto: Rythm is a Dancer, life is a rythm, na izi in po po pameti s polno skledo dobre volje!
From an early age, I was interested in other things, not what happens every day. And what most others do. I like to be among and with people who love nature, travel, exploration, adrenaline, difference, joy, spontaneity and good will. And if possible, in different colors every day. New challenges, improvisations, local events, people, cultural phenomena, local food and various liquid delicacies and concoctions. I enjoy the discomforts of various means of transport, I enjoy the rain, the wind, and especially the sun and shade, which are a source of well-being. Well, especially in the shade.
I like good music, in my spare time I am a DJ and entertainer at private or public events. In my career so far, I have been a leader of groups of people several times, I like teamwork and, of course, team responsibility. Just as it should be when traveling.
My first steps of traveling outside the mother country go back a long way, mainly family and work explorations of Italy, Austria and Croatia. So, neighbors, for a while there was neither money nor time.
The first escape further was in 2007 to Turkey around Istanbul and Bursa, but then all kinds of stories followed, first the Arab flowers Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, Western Turkey, towards the east I wandered in various ways through Jordan, Thailand, Indonesia, India , Pakistan, United Arab Emirates.
Africa has always been the coolest to me, I have traveled and experienced Western Sahara, Mauritania, Senegal, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Tanzania and Namibia. In the north, I tested my adrenaline in Iceland, Ireland and England. I experienced the rest of Europe through the Balkans to Greece and in the east and west – Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, the Canary Islands and the Azores.
I can say that the world always calls me when the time is right and when it is necessary to recharge the batteries for myself and other fellow travelers. The same applies to my home, where I always like to return from my travels.

With the arrival of low-cost airlines to Slovenia, my little world suddenly expanded. Other and different worlds opened up behind the Slovenian hills. Wider, more densely populated, different colors, different sounds, different smells and tastes. Above all, different ways of living. But the job that allowed me these short-term insights was suffocating me, and after a few years of weighing the pros and cons, I decided to fill my soul instead of my wallet. I exchanged the sofa for the discomfort of the buses, the television screen for the changing scenes rushing past the window. With a backpack on my shoulder and a one-way ticket in my pocket, I conquered South America – and South America conquered me. I found a second home in Argentina and kept returning to it – from Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Chile, Brazil… South America was followed by Central, the world of the Mayans and Aztecs. When you start dreaming in Spanish and your heart is in Latin rhythm, it becomes more and more difficult to return home. It did happen after six years, but it didn’t last long without the broad smiles and charm of simple life, so typical of the third world.
A long-standing love of yoga, which often restored my balance and energy during my travels, finally lured me to India, and my interest in the wisdom of the Ascendant led me to discover other Asian lands. Even the primordial call of Africa, which sounded during my studies but died down a bit over the years, is getting stronger again. Travel broadens our horizons, opens up new perspectives, subverts and changes our rigid ideas about the world and life. They train us to accept differences and strengthen our patience. Especially valuable are the problems and obstacles we always encounter along the way – when we learn to overcome them, we get to know, develop and shape ourselves.

Traveling was not always on my first plan. It wasn’t until I experienced the breadth of the world by traveling to Morocco and Indonesia that I felt what else the world has to offer. I travel for this because I believe that life is a cycle where everything turns. If you are trapped in the same space, thought or routine, you stagnate in a way and soon it happens that you no longer realize the true meaning of “living”. I enjoy getting away from home and leaving all my problems and duties at home. I prefer to come back full of new plans and enthusiasm for new projects. I like to go to new places, to the unknown, where I don’t know what awaits me, I enjoy the hospitality of simple people and the intertwining of those who want to extract as much money as possible from you. I am fascinated by the gap between the generations of those who still live according to a thousand-year-old tradition and those of others who only observe the world through their phones. Just as ancient temples and museums are full of history, the small houses of large families are also full of the present.
My favourite destinations are those with a view of the ocean. Surfing the waves, a relaxed and timeless atmosphere, and perhaps a little bit of the undiscovered world are the common denominators of my destinations. Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala… these are my favorite countries and I know them best. The list will surely get longer. Experiences will be accumulated together with unforgettable memories and indispensable companions.

They say that the real trip is the one from which you never come back the same.
I could say that my first real trip was a trip to India. After returning from India, my travel appetites increased dramatically and luckily I had just enough time during that period to “conquer” many destinations. To date, I have accumulated a total of over 85 countries that I have traveled to, which I am still upgrading with new ones.
At the beginning, I organized trips for myself and friends, but later I also started working as a professional guide for a travel agency. I realized more than 80 passenger guides to different destinations.
My favorite destinations start where my passengers and I take a “spoon and toilet paper” on the trip from home. I prefer to go with groups to Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sudan, Madagascar, Iran and Namibia, and since its recent opening, also to Saudi Arabia. I usually lead without local guides (as far as possible) and we combine various logistics “from rickshaws to ships”. We get to know new cultures through cuisine, music, history and through authentic contact with local residents, and we also capture the best motifs in the photographic lens.
Of course, I also have ideas for visiting many interesting destinations, such as Somalia, Iraq, Yemen and the like, but unfortunately between individual leaderships I have less and less time left for new ventures.

It all began in 2004 when I went to work in the United States for the summer, in the state of Vermont. After nine weeks of work at Camp Billings, I set off on a well-deserved trip. Niagara Falls, Washington D.C., and Florida, with the concrete jungle of New York as the final stop. Upon returning home, I began sharing my experiences through travel lectures. I quickly earned enough money to set off for Southeast Asia at the beginning of the following year. Bangkok, Laos, and Cambodia… I fell in love with Asia, its culture, and its rather chaotic way of life. The travel lifestyle grew close to my heart. Sleeping in hostels, eating on the street, and traveling by local transport allowed me to truly experience the authentic way of life in each country I visited.
I am a photography enthusiast, always searching for something different. Interesting tribes, unusual landscapes…
I am also passionate about hiking and trekking. Nepal is a true paradise. I have trekked around Manaslu, crossed two passes under Everest, and around the Annapurnas. In Bhutan, I spent 14 days trekking from Laya to Gasa, which is part of the world-famous Snowman Trek. After traveling through Bhutan, I wandered for a month in the northeastern part of India, known as the tribal northeast, through the states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, and Nagaland.
In the years that followed, I visited more than 70 countries across North and South America, Asia, and Africa.
Where I guide: India, Patagonia, Nepal, Pakistan, Namibia, Ethiopia…

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always preferred to be anywhere else than at home. As soon as I got out of diapers, my ways began to spread further and further away from the home atmosphere. First only to the neighbor’s house and nearby streets, and then soon across Europe. Life is too short and the world is vast, and I would like to taste the whole thing. I quickly realized that the European countries are too close, that it is better to leave this part for the old years. For the first time, I was taken to the 3rd world in Cuba, from where I returned with a completely empty wallet, but still alive, healthy and not at all tired, and richer for thousands of indescribable experiences 🙂 The music, dance, simplicity and openness of the locals totally blew me away impressed, but I felt that something was missing. The second year I discovered India, which overwhelmed me. It was there that I understood what the feeling of complete freedom means, what incredible adventures, crazy experiences, new acquaintances, good friendships are. I knew this was it. To come back. But still, I had to make sure if the whole of Asia is like that. I went to Thailand, and to Nepal, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos. I got a taste of Africa in Morocco, and the Middle East in Israel, Turkey and Oman. I was surprised by the warmth of the Caucasus in Georgia… But India remained India. I couldn’t get it out of my head. Several times I ended up right there. I became completely loyal to her. I have traveled almost all the way. Today, this country is about as familiar to me as the Istrian coast is to some Slovenians, where they have their own flat rate :). And if you ask me why? Because it really is another world. A world where time is not your master and where everything is possible.

Projects: Iceland, Jordan, Morocco,…
Sport has always been a great love of mine, to which I devoted a large part of my time in my youth. After graduating from the Faculty of Sports, I became self-employed in the field of fitness and personal coaching, and in my desire to succeed in my career, I neglected another great passion that has attracted me since I was a child. Travels. For as long as I can remember, my well-being has improved in parallel with the distance from home. When I visited almost all European capitals in my teenage and student years and added an international exchange in Portugal to my travel account, I started to be drawn to more distant places, and in the following years I added a few Asian countries to the list of countries I visited, which completely captivated me. There are still a lot of plans, actually more and more, because I have always been of the opinion that there are no bad destinations for real travelers. Experiences and knowledge from travels are what make a person truly wise.

My motto: “One smile a day takes a doctor far away!“
An incomparable enjoyer. Women fall to their knees…
I bring music, joy and happiness! Everyone loves me, especially the travelers who often sail the world. When do I even go with them. I don’t like countries that are too hot, because then my fur makes me too warm. I speak 7 languages, but I like to laugh the most. My laugh is contagious and I love to spread it. I’ve already been to Europe and Morocco, but right now I’m really drawn to Asia. I love music and sometimes I even get hired as a DJ when I travel. I like hanging out with girls because they are gentler and care for my fur. I don’t know why everyone always falls in love with me and then I have to sleep all over Slovenia. I like it best at home in Gorica, under air conditioning and with a refreshing sprayer in my paw. Being green and healthy, I was accepted to work at Char and am the main animator. I think they call me the mascot…
Projects I animate: Wherever I want…

Since childhood, I have been interested in traveling and organizing trips. Today, I am happy to take care of organizing tours and communicating with clients at CHAR’s office.
MY MOTTO: Travel broadens the mind

A lover of crazy adventures, good food, and positive vibes.
Projects: Jordan, Morocco, Maldives, Laos & Cambodia, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Sumatra, Istanbul, Amsterdam, Egypt, Colombia.
Mostly in the office. Sometimes on the road…
My motto: Don’t worry if you travel slowly; worry when you stand still.
The first time I embarked on a long journey, I sailed all alone from the north of Kenya, through the entire length of Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe. Luckily, my mom didn’t know! 🙂 There, I quickly ran out of money, got robbed a little, fell madly in love, almost “died” of thirst in the desert, gasped my way up to over 5000 meters, had a close nighttime encounter with a pack of hyenas, hitchhiked 4000 kilometers, and for the first time ever, felt the MAGIC of true travel. You never forget your first trip, and so my heart stayed in Black Africa. I’ve traveled extensively in Asia (the Silk Road to India, Pakistan, the Himalayas, Indonesia, Nagaland, Iran, Sri Lanka…) and I’m still traveling. Asia is where I spiritually grew, so to speak. The Middle East feels close to me—there, I feel at home. I’m not the happiest in the office, despite how nice it is, so I left my career behind and started searching for my true purpose. I’ve always sought out hidden corners of countries and spent a lot of time with tribes that attract me with a certain magnetic pull. In them, I sense the primal human nature that we “Westerners” have unfortunately lost somewhere along our path of development. I prefer to discover the world slowly, with a smile, wildly, and deeply. No hurry, no problem—although we’ll sleep when we’re old, right? Today, I’m the father of two little travelers, and together, we explore the beauties of our planet. Join me on travel nights, trips, parties, and journeys, and let’s sail the world together.

In love with the Arab world.
Projects: Yemen, Morocco, Egypt, Ethiopia
My motto: Don’t try too hard because the best things happen when you least expect them.
I’ve always been drawn to Arab countries; my first trip was to Egypt, the most tourist-frequented destination, followed later by Morocco. A year later, my journey led me to the heart of Arab-Muslim civilization and culture—Yemen. After a month of traveling and discovering this insanely “quirky” country with its fascinating architecture that hints at the knowledge of the ancients, its diverse landscapes where no two days are the same, and its friendly people who shatter all stereotypes about pushy and annoying Arabs, I had a clear feeling that this was just my first trip, but certainly not the last, to this medievally-tinted southwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula. A year later, I returned, and what was initially meant to be a one-month vacation turned into an almost seven-month extended “stay,” exploring hidden parts of the country, studying the Arabic language, and experiencing Yemeni everyday life firsthand. It became clear to me that it’s not about how many different countries you travel to in your life, but how you experience them and how much of an imprint they leave on you.

MOTO: Swiit je liip 😉
At the age of ten, I decided to travel and that’s when I started saving for my first trip. I was drawn to Asia, namely Thailand. They say you never forget the first one, and it was no different in my case. Youth, inexperience and impudence in the middle of Asia were a great school for all subsequent trips, which inspired and taught me again and again. At first I traveled alone and with friends, but then my favorite hobby became my dream job. After 20 years of traveling and 12 years of management, we have already visited more than 40 countries around the world. Guests, acquaintances and friends ask me which is my favorite and my answer is everything. Every country has its own charms and laws that must be accepted, respected and enjoyed at all times.

My moto: Rythm is a Dancer, life is a rythm, na izi in po po pameti s polno skledo dobre volje!
From an early age, I was interested in other things, not what happens every day. And what most others do. I like to be among and with people who love nature, travel, exploration, adrenaline, difference, joy, spontaneity and good will. And if possible, in different colors every day. New challenges, improvisations, local events, people, cultural phenomena, local food and various liquid delicacies and concoctions. I enjoy the discomforts of various means of transport, I enjoy the rain, the wind, and especially the sun and shade, which are a source of well-being. Well, especially in the shade.
I like good music, in my spare time I am a DJ and entertainer at private or public events. In my career so far, I have been a leader of groups of people several times, I like teamwork and, of course, team responsibility. Just as it should be when traveling.
My first steps of traveling outside the mother country go back a long way, mainly family and work explorations of Italy, Austria and Croatia. So, neighbors, for a while there was neither money nor time.
The first escape further was in 2007 to Turkey around Istanbul and Bursa, but then all kinds of stories followed, first the Arab flowers Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, Western Turkey, towards the east I wandered in various ways through Jordan, Thailand, Indonesia, India , Pakistan, United Arab Emirates.
Africa has always been the coolest to me, I have traveled and experienced Western Sahara, Mauritania, Senegal, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Tanzania and Namibia. In the north, I tested my adrenaline in Iceland, Ireland and England. I experienced the rest of Europe through the Balkans to Greece and in the east and west – Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, the Canary Islands and the Azores.
I can say that the world always calls me when the time is right and when it is necessary to recharge the batteries for myself and other fellow travelers. The same applies to my home, where I always like to return from my travels.

With the arrival of low-cost airlines to Slovenia, my little world suddenly expanded. Other and different worlds opened up behind the Slovenian hills. Wider, more densely populated, different colors, different sounds, different smells and tastes. Above all, different ways of living. But the job that allowed me these short-term insights was suffocating me, and after a few years of weighing the pros and cons, I decided to fill my soul instead of my wallet. I exchanged the sofa for the discomfort of the buses, the television screen for the changing scenes rushing past the window. With a backpack on my shoulder and a one-way ticket in my pocket, I conquered South America – and South America conquered me. I found a second home in Argentina and kept returning to it – from Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Chile, Brazil… South America was followed by Central, the world of the Mayans and Aztecs. When you start dreaming in Spanish and your heart is in Latin rhythm, it becomes more and more difficult to return home. It did happen after six years, but it didn’t last long without the broad smiles and charm of simple life, so typical of the third world.
A long-standing love of yoga, which often restored my balance and energy during my travels, finally lured me to India, and my interest in the wisdom of the Ascendant led me to discover other Asian lands. Even the primordial call of Africa, which sounded during my studies but died down a bit over the years, is getting stronger again. Travel broadens our horizons, opens up new perspectives, subverts and changes our rigid ideas about the world and life. They train us to accept differences and strengthen our patience. Especially valuable are the problems and obstacles we always encounter along the way – when we learn to overcome them, we get to know, develop and shape ourselves.

Traveling was not always on my first plan. It wasn’t until I experienced the breadth of the world by traveling to Morocco and Indonesia that I felt what else the world has to offer. I travel for this because I believe that life is a cycle where everything turns. If you are trapped in the same space, thought or routine, you stagnate in a way and soon it happens that you no longer realize the true meaning of “living”. I enjoy getting away from home and leaving all my problems and duties at home. I prefer to come back full of new plans and enthusiasm for new projects. I like to go to new places, to the unknown, where I don’t know what awaits me, I enjoy the hospitality of simple people and the intertwining of those who want to extract as much money as possible from you. I am fascinated by the gap between the generations of those who still live according to a thousand-year-old tradition and those of others who only observe the world through their phones. Just as ancient temples and museums are full of history, the small houses of large families are also full of the present.
My favourite destinations are those with a view of the ocean. Surfing the waves, a relaxed and timeless atmosphere, and perhaps a little bit of the undiscovered world are the common denominators of my destinations. Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala… these are my favorite countries and I know them best. The list will surely get longer. Experiences will be accumulated together with unforgettable memories and indispensable companions.

They say that the real trip is the one from which you never come back the same.
I could say that my first real trip was a trip to India. After returning from India, my travel appetites increased dramatically and luckily I had just enough time during that period to “conquer” many destinations. To date, I have accumulated a total of over 85 countries that I have traveled to, which I am still upgrading with new ones.
At the beginning, I organized trips for myself and friends, but later I also started working as a professional guide for a travel agency. I realized more than 80 passenger guides to different destinations.
My favorite destinations start where my passengers and I take a “spoon and toilet paper” on the trip from home. I prefer to go with groups to Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sudan, Madagascar, Iran and Namibia, and since its recent opening, also to Saudi Arabia. I usually lead without local guides (as far as possible) and we combine various logistics “from rickshaws to ships”. We get to know new cultures through cuisine, music, history and through authentic contact with local residents, and we also capture the best motifs in the photographic lens.
Of course, I also have ideas for visiting many interesting destinations, such as Somalia, Iraq, Yemen and the like, but unfortunately between individual leaderships I have less and less time left for new ventures.

My principle for every journey: Let yourself go, get lost in the narrow alleys of markets and bazaars, because in such hidden places, I always find something interesting.
Where I guide: India, Patagonia, Nepal, Pakistan, Namibia, Ethiopia…
It all began in 2004 when I went to work in the United States for the summer, in the state of Vermont. After nine weeks of work at Camp Billings, I set off on a well-deserved trip. Niagara Falls, Washington D.C., and Florida, with the concrete jungle of New York as the final stop. Upon returning home, I began sharing my experiences through travel lectures. I quickly earned enough money to set off for Southeast Asia at the beginning of the following year. Bangkok, Laos, and Cambodia… I fell in love with Asia, its culture, and its rather chaotic way of life. The travel lifestyle grew close to my heart. Sleeping in hostels, eating on the street, and traveling by local transport allowed me to truly experience the authentic way of life in each country I visited.
I am a photography enthusiast, always searching for something different. Interesting tribes, unusual landscapes…
I am also passionate about hiking and trekking. Nepal is a true paradise. I have trekked around Manaslu, crossed two passes under Everest, and around the Annapurnas. In Bhutan, I spent 14 days trekking from Laya to Gasa, which is part of the world-famous Snowman Trek. After traveling through Bhutan, I wandered for a month in the northeastern part of India, known as the tribal northeast, through the states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, and Nagaland.
In the years that followed, I visited more than 70 countries across North and South America, Asia, and Africa.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always preferred to be anywhere else than at home. As soon as I got out of diapers, my ways began to spread further and further away from the home atmosphere. First only to the neighbor’s house and nearby streets, and then soon across Europe. Life is too short and the world is vast, and I would like to taste the whole thing. I quickly realized that the European countries are too close, that it is better to leave this part for the old years. For the first time, I was taken to the 3rd world in Cuba, from where I returned with a completely empty wallet, but still alive, healthy and not at all tired, and richer for thousands of indescribable experiences 🙂 The music, dance, simplicity and openness of the locals totally blew me away impressed, but I felt that something was missing. The second year I discovered India, which overwhelmed me. It was there that I understood what the feeling of complete freedom means, what incredible adventures, crazy experiences, new acquaintances, good friendships are. I knew this was it. To come back. But still, I had to make sure if the whole of Asia is like that. I went to Thailand, and to Nepal, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos. I got a taste of Africa in Morocco, and the Middle East in Israel, Turkey and Oman. I was surprised by the warmth of the Caucasus in Georgia… But India remained India. I couldn’t get it out of my head. Several times I ended up right there. I became completely loyal to her. I have traveled almost all the way. Today, this country is about as familiar to me as the Istrian coast is to some Slovenians, where they have their own flat rate :). And if you ask me why? Because it really is another world. A world where time is not your master and where everything is possible.

Projects: Iceland, Jordan, Morocco,…
Sport has always been a great love of mine, to which I devoted a large part of my time in my youth. After graduating from the Faculty of Sports, I became self-employed in the field of fitness and personal coaching, and in my desire to succeed in my career, I neglected another great passion that has attracted me since I was a child. Travels. For as long as I can remember, my well-being has improved in parallel with the distance from home. When I visited almost all European capitals in my teenage and student years and added an international exchange in Portugal to my travel account, I started to be drawn to more distant places, and in the following years I added a few Asian countries to the list of countries I visited, which completely captivated me. There are still a lot of plans, actually more and more, because I have always been of the opinion that there are no bad destinations for real travelers. Experiences and knowledge from travels are what make a person truly wise.

An incomparable enjoyer. Women fall to their knees…
Projects I animate: Wherever I want…
My motto: “One smile a day takes a doctor far away!“
I bring music, joy and happiness! Everyone loves me, especially the travelers who often sail the world. When do I even go with them. I don’t like countries that are too hot, because then my fur makes me too warm. I speak 7 languages, but I like to laugh the most. My laugh is contagious and I love to spread it. I’ve already been to Europe and Morocco, but right now I’m really drawn to Asia. I love music and sometimes I even get hired as a DJ when I travel. I like hanging out with girls because they are gentler and care for my fur. I don’t know why everyone always falls in love with me and then I have to sleep all over Slovenia. I like it best at home in Gorica, under air conditioning and with a refreshing sprayer in my paw. Being green and healthy, I was accepted to work at Char and am the main animator. I think they call me the mascot…